The Three Strand Cord

Ecclesiastes 4:12 "if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." This blog is a forum for 3 of the Paris brothers to discuss stuff. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion--in the abundance of counselors there is victory -Proverbs 11:14

Monday, June 18, 2007

Copied from Shaun's Blog

Spin (Softening Words)

Is it a favor if you remind me you did it?
Is it free if you want something from me in exchange?
Is it mercy if you want attention for it?
Is it less honest and hurtful if I’m “just teasing?”
Is it less hot if we call it climate change?
Is it less vulgar if we call it mature?
Is it healthy because you call it “fortified” or “enriched?”
Is it less of a religion if we call it a relationship?

We play with words don’t we? Marketing permeates everything. Spin has seeped into every aspect of our lives. Is this such a bad thing if we all know to look behind the words for the real truth? Or is it dishonest even if those we communicate with know our words aren’t telling the whole story? Does the perception of the listener/reader determine whether our language, our twist on the truth, is moral?

Check out Shaun's Blog


At 2:29 PM, Blogger Pastor Mike Paris said...

Actually, Thad, Shaun has spun his title. He used the word spin instead of truth manipulation. It is all in the presentation.

The half truth = a lie issue is one that I struggle with the most. I can very easily spin the situation to avoid the ownership of the problem or to avoid the consequences of a mistake. I have a high degree of self-preservation and it takes the Holy Spirit's power to avoid saving face by spinning the truth. Damage control seems to be honest when I begin the conversation with, "That was a mistake" and then move to what can we do to make it right.

Interesting thoughts. If a man can control or tame his tongue he will be able to control all the rest of his body!!

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Todd Paris said...

Is spin just a spun way of saying deception? The serpent in the garden was a spinmaster at making God words mean something very different.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Pastor Mike Paris said...

I believe he tried the same tactics with Jesus in the garden. Even tried to spin Scripture. Truth couched in an odd context to make a unique point.


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