Do you think I need tolerance training?
I have been posting to a conversation that went on with a postmodernist non-religious or at least non-churched person. The conversation was very flat with very little response to the arguments given in response to the rants against the church. Unfortunately, this is often the case with people who are angry at "church/religion/God"--they have stopped listening.
One posted response though was especially good. It was never responded to in its original context, but I wonder if you might field some of this guys questions or even go and post some conversation with Paul and his friend Patrick.
Patrick was railing against the fact that the church seemed to him to be exclusionistic. Here is Jeff's response:
What exactly is the definition of exclusion? Is exclusion the opposite of inclusion? Is inclusion universal because of the work of Christ? Do we sometimes try to interpret the teachings of Christ through our own definition of “righteousness?” Does God draw lines that demarcate inclusion and/or exclusion? Just how serious is God’s command to live without sin, and what defines sin? Can sin be quantified and qualified through tangible-visible manifestations? How do we respond to the answers to these questions…and what does the response look like?
I would love to be able to generate some discussion along these lines here. And maybe even send them along to Patrick. Or better yet, you could do that yourself!!
Labels: apologetics, evangelism, postmodernism
We were discussing inclusion in our OAG recently. We were wondering why churches don't place ads in the classifieds or on their marque that say something like Wanted: people engaged in premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexials, crossdressers, thieves, drunks, partiers, swindlers because thats what we once were and we can offer you hope. (based on 2 corinthians 6:9-11) We concluded that the church wasn't ready if people actually responded to such an ad.
OAG = Old Adults Group, as opposed to YG = youth group???
"Response to real, tangible needs; binding wounds, anointing with oil; offering hope for a different future" isn't that the definition of compassion?
So if we are not ready to deal with the ramifications of such a response to this impersonal technique, how can we say that we have the mind of Christ? What would we do if we actually engaged a person like this in person, would we invite them to come to church, sit with us, introduce them as my friend, take them to my home and offer them a great meal, laugh with them and make them feel loved at least for one day? Jesus did.
And when they got done eating, they had a great conversation and all of their friends were there. And they heard the hope. And the pharisees said, "What in the world are you doing? Don't you know who is at the table with you? They've got bad reputations."
We must be able to befriend sinners without enabling them to sin, or falling into the same hole that they are in. We must be load lifters, not burden builders.
Thanks for engaging the little grey matter, on such an important philosophical point.
OAG =One Another Groups-- a small group that helps us have more opportunities to live out the mandates of the one anothers in scripture.
Old Adults Group--LOL!!
But seriously..."We must be able to befriend sinners without enabling them to sin, or falling into the same hole that they are in. We must be load lifters, not burden builders." So very true. To walk alongside others in love and friendship takes effort, vulnerability, and honesty...and that gets messy...
I also wrote about this on my blog:
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