Bodies The Exhibition
What are your impressions about using human cadaevers for educational purposes?
Ecclesiastes 4:12 "if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." This blog is a forum for 3 of the Paris brothers to discuss stuff. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion--in the abundance of counselors there is victory -Proverbs 11:14
What are your impressions about using human cadaevers for educational purposes?
James 2:24 NASB You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.
A discussion was started over on the intellectually stimulating, mind blowing, best blog in the universe regarding spiritual basic training. Getting back to the basics of the Christian life....
Labels: Christian Boot Camp
I just read about a church that has their youth group meetings in a storefront in a mall! I think that is the best idea that I have heard in a long time. Expensive, I'm sure, but good. Now how can I adapt that type of creativity to Small-town USA, low/no budget youth group?? How do we increase our local "presence"??
Forgive the higher mathematics/engineering jargon here. But as I considered the issues of community, I found that the level of community seems to be proportional to the level of communication.
All of these forms of community transfer (ie communication) must be bound by the Word of God for it to occur in the church. But community is not just a church concept. There are communities of hikers/mountain climbers (Todd is trying to reach these communities), and local hamlets/burgs/villagescommunities (like Willseyville) and even online communities (social networks). It is happening with or without us (the church). Why not use something that people want to build bridges with them? Communication is really the key to community!
Thanks for listening to this communication,
OK, Forgive the facilitator/shepherd jargon here, but I have an excersise for you all to participate in.
List for me the number of people in your local body of believers(church) that you have had contact with in:
1. verbal communication
2.your presence
3.ministered to or by in the past week.
How are we doing in living out the one anothers in scripture?
How to spot a healthy Church
Or, what would you wish they'd say about your church?
Remember the old Smith Barney investment broker's commercials? The old codger spoke to the young fellow, "They make money the old fashioned way.... they earn it."
Todd asks: What is community? OK webster, now how does it relate to a local group of believers?
Pastor Mike writes: A statement from one of the books that I am teaching in SS right now.
"Businesses, if they’re going to be successful
for the long haul, must pull their attention off of themselves and refocus their energies on their only reason for existence – to serve their customers.”
Men and Brothers,