The Three Strand Cord

Ecclesiastes 4:12 "if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." This blog is a forum for 3 of the Paris brothers to discuss stuff. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion--in the abundance of counselors there is victory -Proverbs 11:14

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Run James, Run!

OK. Since I've got about ten e-mail addresses for both of you and I can't remember which ones you check regularly, I'm posting this informational message here in hopes that you'll read it here quicker than if I sent via e-mail....

What: James running modified Cross Country
When: Saturday Sept 29th (his race begins @9:35)
Where: 43rd Annual McQuaid Invitational (Genesee Valley Park)
Why: I have no idea why he likes to run.....

Come on out and support the fam. Maybe we could have lunch and visit the Strong Museum afterwards? Let me know if you're interested.

P.S. Todd, I'm still thinking on your questions...i'll answer soon.


Monday, September 24, 2007

New topics (controversial)

Ok actually there are two. I get to experience them first, but you guys aren't far behind. Please respond with a biblical reference where applicable.

1. Rachel came home with a permission slip to watch the movie Gladiator (R) in her SS class. How would you respond and why?

2. Would you allow your child go to school dances? What about the prom/formal? Are there any difference? Why or why not?

3. ok there are three-- What about cheerleading? Would you allow your daughter to be a cheerleader? (Thad, why?)

4. Ok, Ok this is the last one I swear. Would you allow your child ride to school with a new driver? why or why not?